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'Global Business Strategies'

How do macro-economic, political and institutional dynamics influence multinational company's strategic behaviour and performance?

AutorMarkus Hueter
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl8 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis2,99 EUR
Essay aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich VWL - Makroökonomie, allgemein, The University of Sydney, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Executive Summary This essay sets out to discuss the environment in which multinational companies such as Qantas are operating and what control strategies can be applied to monitor and manage their activities to leverage their competitive advantage across the airline industry. Introduction The Qantas Group's principal activities are operating international and domestic air transportation services for leisure and business travelling, freight and logistics services as well as associated support activities including information technology, catering, ground handling, engineering and maintenance ( Qantas with its dual strategy brand Jetstar flies now to more than 173 destinations in 42 countries and operates a fleet of 246 aircraft. The airline will operate a 20-strong Airbus 380 fleet by 2015. The groupis also part of the Oneworld global marketing and code-sharing alliance, which consists of 11 leading Airlines. Qantas' stakeholders are its shareholders, employees, customers, business partners and the community. Indirect stakeholders include the media, governments and non-governmental organisations. They all have a major influence on the business, its strategy and therefore its performance. It is to mention that the Qantas Group is in the unique position of having two outstanding and well established brands in both the premium and low fares categories with Qantas and Jetstar, consisting of the subsidiary brands Jetstar Asia being the largest low fare, 'no frills' Airline in the Asia Pacific Rim, based and operating from Singapore. The Qantas group holds 49 percent of the Jetstar Asia shares. Jetstar Pacific is Vietnam's first low cost carrier operating since 2008. The Qantas group holds today a 30 percent stake through foreign direct investment.

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